Zadar Impression
Zadar - Iadera, Idassa, Diadora, Zara ... until the 1950s part of Italy is now the center of Zadar County and the gateway to northern Dalmatia, which warmly welcomes tourists from all over the world. We traveled to Zadar by a well-known bus line from Bratislava. The journey took about 12 hours, but I must say that the Croats have improved. The bus drivers spoke engleski1, we also received račun2 and in general there was a noticeable system in transportation. Traveling was pleasant. We preferred this mode of transport over the car due to congestion and increasing prices of cestarina every year.3.

Zadar - local beaches
If you are interested in Zadar, have any questions or you want to share your experience, you can find us also here.

Zadar - St. Donat church
We chose this city for its location (More mora biti4) and its history. We certainly did not regret it. It was an excellent choice. While arriving at the kolodvor5 we were taken aback by a million taxi drivers who rushed at us with the phrase “Trebate li taxi?6 but we did not have a problem to knock them out and finally we used one of them to get to our accommodation and negotiated a little lower price than the previous one offered us.

We stayed in apartment house on the outskirts of the city between Donji Brig and Puntamika at Ankica and Ivo… ..and their four-legged roommate Djoni. Ankica and Ivo would have given us the last one as usual. The accommodation was very nice, clean with plenty of parking spaces. In the vicinity you could find several restaurants , pekara (excellent bakery)7), funfair, suvenirnica, mjenjačnica, tourist information8.
Naturally after 12 hours on the bus we were most interested in where the nearest beach is. "Morate doći do plave kuće, skrenete desno, tamo ćete naći dvije palme – jednu živu i jednu suhu pa odavde samo dolje“9 explained Ivo, circling the local attractions on the map. After 5 minutes, I had a hard time getting to where we were, after Ivo was circling about 10 things and wrote nothing about them. Nema veze. 10 So we went to the 2 palm trees.
The journey down to Krešimir's promenade11 took about 10 minutes by calm walk among a number of similar apartment houses with gardens, from which we could see palme, smokve, masline, šljive12 and everything else. We even found kiwi. All the way and the whole stay was accompanied by the sound of cicadas, without which I can not even imagine a holiday by the sea.

Zadar University

Zadar - Greeting to the sun
The first impression of the sea was very confused. Few places, many people, separate paid section, somewhere bottom and beach spilled with sand elsewhere not very clear water. The next few days, however, we discovered a place that suited us. The problem with the sea in Puntamica are quite large rocksthat make access difficult even if you have shoes in the water. For this reason "Croatian brothers" thought of throwing some sand in the water.
The water is beautiful, however, and even the bathing stones are not discouraged by lusty tourists. We found our little corner of the little pier. Sometimes we didn't even get a big deal here, but that's the magic of the friendly atmosphere on the Croatian beach. There were, of course, restorani, kafići, market13...You could buy burek and sladoled14 . Beach boy lent you for a fee ležaljka.15
So we could have enjoyed it without missing anything. In a nearby restaurant we tried pržene lignje and lignje na žaru 16 with karlovačko17 There was nothing to try, because they are always tasty by the sea.

Zadar - view from the centre
The historical city center is located about 3 km. There is a regular bus line. The ticket is purchased at the driver or kiosk. Povratna karta18 costs 16 kuna and karta za jedno putovanje19 10 kunas. Buses are modern and consist of AC.
In about 10 minutes, the bus will drop you near the center. The architecture is reminiscent of Italy and has a traditional Mediterranean atmosphere. The amazing thing about it is that it is full of life and you will meet the whole world. Zadar is exceptional thanks to 2 attractions - Sea organ and Greeting to the sun 20- author of both is Nikola Bašić. I recommend you visit them.
In addition, there are many different landmarks that you don't even have to read about, because the crowd will lead you to them. In the evenings, music plays, food stalls smell, kids can ride horses and ponies, you can watch street acrobats or buy a boat trip to the nearest island, enjoy the local Maraschino liqueur in one of the many bars.

The nicest sunset
No one will be bored in Zadar. It does not matter if you come with children and a caravan and want to have a little bath, or you want to check all bars and discos,or take a look at the sights and learn about its history or enjoy the unspoiled nature of the surrounding islands. This city has such a wide offer that it will not disappoint anyone.
Alfred Hitchcock said the most beautiful sunset is in Zadar and you will enjoy it most if you go to Zvonik21. From here you will first see how the golden rays of the sun gradually caress the whole city until they slowly disappear. For a while, the bumpers on the sea surface and then the sleepy sun engulf the waters of the Adriatic,to rise again in the morning and take this living city into a new day. Probably no city in Croatia has been destroyed so many times in history as Zadar. During more than 3,500 years of existence, it has always cured and swelled from its wounds. So it doesn't matter if you missed the sunset today, because Zadar is here tomorrow and afterwards. It will rise again from the ashes and it will be bigger, stronger, more beautiful and livelier.
Zadar je vječan kao feniks22.

They are listening to the tones of Sea organ
1 English
4 I must bath in the sea.
5 Bus station
6 Do you need taxi?
7 Donut
8 Bakery, souvenir shop, exchange
9 You have to come to the blue house, turn right, there you will find two palm trees - one alive and one dried up and from there still down the road
10 Doesn´t matter
11 Krešimir´s promenade
12 Palm trees, figs, olives, plums
13 Restaurants, bars, market
14 Burek = puff pastry stuffed mostly with meat, cheese, spinach, etc .; sladoled = ice cream
15 Beach deck chair
16 Pržene lignje = fried squid; lignje on heat = grilled squid
17 Beer
18 Return ticket
19 Oneway ticket
2 0Sea organ, Greeting to the sun
21 Campanile
22 Zadar is eternal as a phoenix