Novi Vinodolski Impression
Novi Vinodolski - or just Novi is a small town known for wine neighboring Crikvenica directly opposite the island of KrkWe did not want to travel too long and every travel agency recommended Crikvenica which seemed troubled, so the choice fell to this place. Unfortunately, the plan not to travel long was not succesful, because the driver did not want to be there very early. So we traveled to the 600 km distant resort for nearly the same length as the 1000 km distant.

Novi Vinodolski - afternoon on the beach
If you are interested in Novi Vinodolski, have any questions or you want to share your experience, you can find us also here.
So we were back in the old familiar situation in the morning at 5 kicked out of the bus in front of a hotel. Unlike us, a hvatski mladić ran out1 and asked if we were new konobarice2. I quickly led him out of the mistake and made clear we were tourists and bombarded him with the question when check in is, where we can put suitcases, etc. Of course check in was almost in 3 days and we put the suitcases in a big hall.
The hotel had 2 parts and depandans. Stari dio3 remembered the Austro-Hungarian monarchy and novi dio4 Tito. Depandans was a building belonging to the hotel about 50 m from it and the level was something between stari dio and novi dio. In the hall where we and other fellow travelers were waiting, you felt like in a museum. Fortunately, we are not demanding tourists and we sleep almost anywhere. So we said, "nema veze"5.
In addition to our hotel in this town you will find mainly private accommodation. The room was also in the spirit of the former regime, but it was clean and with a balcony. The diet was fine. The location of the hotel was excellent. It was basically right on the beach, it also had own pool, a kukuruz6seller in front of the pool, a little further palačinke7seller. Next to Ledo (Ledo is bear on icebox with icecream in his hand) water bikes were tucked.

Crkva Sv. Filipa i Jakova i Zvonik
The beach was made by concrete, , the sea had small stones and sand.From the sea beautiful rocks were sticking up. When the weather was good, you found on the beach visitors of all ages and all nationalities. But it was not overcrowded that you did not have space for 1 bath towel. There was enough place what I considered a great advantage. If you wanted privacy, there was no problem to find a place with good access to the sea for just a few people. If you were interested, you could also have rented a deck chair.8 Where the beach was hidden9which took care of deck chairs I did not know but if he saw any tourist looking for deck chairs he appeared on the beach immediately.
As for the city, it is smaller and calmer.The old town is located on a hill. From the sea you can get there on a long street full of stalls and shops, where every 10 meters you hear "Izvolite"10 You can buy anything here. The landmark of the city is the church and Zvonik11 , where you will have a beautiful view, in addition to the supermarket.
Otherwise, there are many pubs and shops. I assume that the city was of minor importance in the past and therefore there are not concentrated historical monuments in such amount.

The Frankopan mansion with the Kvadrac tower is one of the city's landmarks
I must mention local Croats. In terms of mentality and impression of people, it is very similar to the Slovaks. People are less lively, calmer, more distant, and more mindful of the system. Here, " nema problema" does not work for 100%12 nor the philosophy of doing nothing is fine. I felt that people were more responsible, but also more distrustful and self-contained. I think that is quite convenient for Slovaks.

Before storm

The Croatian poet Ivan Mažuranić was born in this city
If you decide for this resort, be sure to stay in private accommodation and have a nice holiday. It is a good place for all categories. Sightseeing lovers can visit the nearby town Senj and visit the Uskoks Nehaj Fortress.
There is a wide range of trips to nearby islands, which I strongly recommend to use, and also inland for example to Plitvice. If you just want to laze in the sea and soak the atmosphere of seaside in the evenings with a glass of wine, it's also a great place. If you like camping, there is a campsite directly in the neighborhood. Everyone will find their own. The advantage is that the whole town is not overcrowded. You can relax in Novi Vinodolski and recharge. Be sure to take some trips.
It would be a pity if you did not see anything around. All you have to do is borrow a čamac13 (if you are not afraid, you can also swim the distance) and take a small turn with crkva on the small island14 There is also a festival organized, which is a very nice event. It's just fine there, the atmosphere is saturated with comfort. The Slovaks will really feel almost at home there, so just find the right accommodation and odmor može početi.15

Wonderful Croatia

Novi Vinodolski
1 Young Croat
2 New waitresses
3 Old part
4 New part
5 Doesn´t matter
6 Corn
7 Pancakes
8 Beach deck chair
9 Boy
10 Here you are
11 Campanile
12 No problem
13 Boat
14 Island with a church
15 The holiday can start