About Maxi

Som jedna z milióna, ktorá rada cestuje a všetko okolo seba sa snaží vnímať v širšom kontexte a preskúmať do hĺbky. Sú miesta, ktoré navštevujem pravidelne kvôli ľuďom, ktorí tam žijú. Ľudia a ich zmýšľanie sú totiž tá najfascinujúcejšia "vec", ktorá dáva všetkému okolo nás hodnotu. Niekedy však treba povzbudiť, aby ľudia nezabudli na svoju výnimočnosť a ukázať iný uhol pohľadu. Nie som odborník a ani sa za neho nevydávam. Keď môžem, pomôžem a povzbudím. Z mojich cestovateľských snov si chcem čoskoro splniť Irán a Kolumbiu. No najviac doma sa cítim na albánskej pláži. Inšpiráciou sú mi iné kultúry a ich vnímanie okolitého sveta. Hovorím niekoľkými jazykmi a snažím sa žiť tak, aby som nič neľutovala.

Iran - My Wanderings in Persia


"Stories of long ago, past ancient times

are a good word for the people of the future,

let a person know and know without embellishment

different destinies and learn from them.

Let him examine what pleases the human race,

what benefits him or what destroys him,

which is his ruin, by which he has been sinning for a long time

and what order follows for him.

Even these fables are such a good word,

which from long ago comes to our aid,

they come in fairy tale clothes

and they are called: One thousand and one nights."

By reading these stories, we will be transported to the mythical Orient, where the beautiful Shahrazad and King Shahrijar lived in their time. What Orient is it? What does the country where she came from look like? Thousands of these tales come from Arabia, Syria, Iraq, Central Asia and Persia.

Most of Iran looks like this

The magical spirit of the Orient beckoned me from a young age, and the landscape hidden behind silk scarves and colorful mosaics was just waiting to be discovered. My knowledge of Iran was only general before my trip. You read a few travelogues, study the basic points of history, and look at a map to get a basic overview. I do not recommend reading various Internet sources, as you will rarely come across relevant and practical information. They had more of a fear effect on me.

If you are interested in Iran and the Balkans, you will also find us here.

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Na tejto stránke nájdete množstvo článkov z rôznych turistických destinácií v Taliansku, Chorvátsku, Čiernej Hore, Bosne a Hercegovine, Albánsku a Iráne.

Ak hľadáte informácie o jazykových kurzoch taliančiny, latinčiny, albánčiny a chorvátčiny a poučné prednášky, kliknite nižšie.


In my offer, you will also find various presentations related to languages ​​and the people who speak them. Students will be introduced to chapters from history, geography, culture, and various points of interest. Most of the lectures are held via zoom at the agreed time. If you are interested in one, you need to contact me and make an appointment. Some of the presentations can be purchased as a video.


In addition to the languages ​​listed above, my knowledge also includes other languages, which I do not teach. However, for each of the mentioned languages, I give a one-time lecture "Introduction to the study of the language", which is a general theoretical introduction to the language. After completing it, the student becomes familiar with complex grammar, the history of the language, acquires basic phrases or font. It is therefore suitable for those who have not yet decided which language they would like to study and want to get an overview.

PRICE: 20 eur / 90 minutes

LANGUAGE OFFER (Introduction to language studies):Hungarian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Modern Greek, Turkish, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Russian, Ancient Greek.

ITALIAN LANGUAGE – is an European language spoken mainly in Italy. Since it belongs to the Romance languages ​​along with Romanian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, etc. knowledge of any of these languages ​​helps to master Italian faster. It ranks among the easiest languages ​​in the world to learn. It is the language of art, music, literature and is also a wonderful gateway to the world of Italian culture.